Jenoptik stacks up to 12 laser bars to form actively cooled stacks for CW mode.

Product feature
- Wavelength: 808 - 980nm
- Output power: 128 - 1440W
- Operation mode: CW
- Cooling: actively cooled / passively cooled
- Collimation: fast axis / fast axis and slow axis / without
- Best price/performance ratio: Because of the small gaps between the laser bars.
- Powerful: Each of the 12 laser bars individually supplies up to 120 watts in cw mode.
- Flexible: CW or QCW mode.
- Easy to integrate: Compact designs.
Fields of Application
- Material processing: Curing of metals, annealing.
- Medical technology: Esthetics, dermatology.
- Industry: Pumping source for fiber lasers and solid-state lasers.
- Science and research: Pumping source for fiber lasers.
Product Views
Variation of Products
Wavelength in nm | Output power in W | Operation mode | Cooling | Collimation | Product name / data sheet |
808 | 128 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-128-CABN-4A |
808 | 135 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-135-CAFN-3A |
808 | 150 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-150-CANN-3A |
808 | 180 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-180-CAFN-4A |
808 | 192 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-192-CABN-6A |
808 | 200 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-200-CABN-4A |
808 | 200 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-200-CANN-4A |
808 | 216 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-216-CAFN-3A |
808 | 225 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-225-CAFN-5A |
808 | 240 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-240-CANN-3A |
808 | 250 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-250-CANN-5A |
808 | 256 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-256-CABN-8A |
808 | 270 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-270-CAFN-6A |
808 | 288 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-288-CAFN-4A |
808 | 300 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-300-CABN-6A |
808 | 300 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-300-CANN-6A |
808 | 310 | CW | passively cooled | without | JOLD-310-HS-4L |
808 | 320 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-320-CABN-10A |
808 | 320 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-320-CANN-4A |
808 | 360 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-360-CAFN-5A |
808 | 360 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-360-CAFN-8A |
808 | 384 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-384-CABN-12A |
808 | 400 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-400-CABN-8A |
808 | 400 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-400-CANN-5A |
808 | 400 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-400-CANN-8A |
808 | 432 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-432-CAFN-6A |
808 | 450 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-450-CAFN-10A |
808 | 480 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-480-CANN-6A |
808 | 500 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-500-CABN-10A |
808 | 500 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-500-CANN-10A |
808 | 540 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-540-CAFN-12A-808nm |
808 | 576 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-576-CAFN-8A |
808 | 600 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-600-CABN-12A |
808 | 600 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-600-CANN-12A |
808 | 640 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-640-CANN-8A |
808 | 720 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-720-CAFN-10A |
808 | 800 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-800-CANN-10A |
808 | 864 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-864-CAFN-12A |
808 | 960 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-960-CANN-12A |
940 | 128 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-128-CABN-4A |
940 | 162 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-162-CAFN-3A |
940 | 180 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-180-CANN-3A |
940 | 192 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-192-CABN-6A |
940 | 200 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-200-CABN-4A |
940 | 216 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-216-CAFN-3A |
940 | 216 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-216-CAFN-4A |
940 | 240 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-240-CANN-4A |
940 | 256 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-256-CABN-8A |
940 | 270 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-270-CAFN-3A |
940 | 270 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-270-CAFN-5A |
940 | 288 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-288-CAFN-4A |
940 | 300 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-300-CABN-6A |
940 | 300 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-300-CANN-3A |
940 | 300 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-300-CANN-5A |
940 | 310 | CW | passively cooled | without | JOLD-310-HS-4L |
940 | 320 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-320-CABN-10A |
940 | 324 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-324-CAFN-6A |
940 | 330 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-330-CAFN-3A |
940 | 360 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-360-CAFN-4A |
940 | 360 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-360-CAFN-5A |
940 | 360 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-360-CANN-3A |
940 | 360 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-360-CANN-6A |
940 | 384 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-384-CABN-12A |
940 | 400 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-400-CABN-8A |
940 | 400 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-400-CANN-4A |
940 | 432 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-432-CAFN-6A |
940 | 432 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-432-CAFN-8A |
940 | 440 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-440-CAFN-4A |
940 | 450 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-450-CAFN-5A |
940 | 480 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-480-CANN-4A |
940 | 480 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-480-CANN-4A |
940 | 480 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-480-CANN-8A |
940 | 500 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-500-CABN-10A |
940 | 500 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-500-CANN-5A |
940 | 540 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-540-CAFN-10A |
940 | 540 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-540-CAFN-6A |
940 | 550 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-550-CAFN-5A |
940 | 576 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-576-CAFN-8A |
940 | 600 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-600-CABN-12A |
940 | 600 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-600-CANN-10A |
940 | 600 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-600-CANN-5A |
940 | 600 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-600-CANN-6A |
940 | 648 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-648-CAFN-12A |
940 | 660 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-660-CAFN-6A |
940 | 720 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-720-CAFN-10A |
940 | 720 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-720-CAFN-8A |
940 | 720 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-720-CANN-12A |
940 | 720 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-720-CANN-6A |
940 | 800 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-800-CANN-8A |
940 | 864 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-864-CAFN-12A |
940 | 880 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-880-CAFN-8A |
940 | 900 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-900-CAFN-10A |
940 | 960 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-960-CANN-8A |
940 | 1000 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-1000-CANN-10A |
940 | 1080 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-1080-CAFN-12A |
940 | 1100 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-1100-CAFN-10A |
940 | 1200 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-1200-CANN-10A |
940 | 1200 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-1200-CANN-12A |
940 | 1320 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-1320-CAFN-12A |
940 | 1440 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-1440-CANN-12A |
980 | 128 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-128-CABN-4A |
980 | 135 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-135-CAFN-3A |
980 | 150 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-150-CANN-3A |
980 | 180 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-180-CAFN-4A |
980 | 192 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-192-CABN-6A |
980 | 200 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-200-CABN-4A |
980 | 200 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-200-CANN-4A |
980 | 216 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-216-CAFN-3A |
980 | 225 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-225-CAFN-5A |
980 | 250 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-250-CANN-5A |
980 | 256 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-256-CABN-8A |
980 | 270 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-270-CAFN-3A |
980 | 270 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-270-CAFN-6A |
980 | 288 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-288-CAFN-4A |
980 | 300 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-300-CABN-6A |
980 | 300 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-300-CANN-3A |
980 | 300 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-300-CANN-6A |
980 | 320 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-320-CABN-10A |
980 | 330 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-330-CAFN-3A |
980 | 360 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-360-CAFN-4A |
980 | 360 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-360-CAFN-5A |
980 | 360 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-360-CAFN-8A |
980 | 360 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-360-CANN-3A |
980 | 384 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-384-CABN-12A |
980 | 400 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-400-CABN-8A |
980 | 400 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-400-CANN-4A |
980 | 400 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-400-CANN-8A |
980 | 432 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-432-CAFN-6A |
980 | 440 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-440-CAFN-4A |
980 | 450 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-450-CAFN-10A |
980 | 450 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-450-CAFN-5A |
980 | 500 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-500-CABN-10A |
980 | 500 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-500-CANN-10A |
980 | 500 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-500-CANN-5A |
980 | 540 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-540-CAFN-12A |
980 | 540 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-540-CAFN-6A |
980 | 550 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-550-CAFN-5A |
980 | 576 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-576-CAFN-8A |
980 | 600 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis and slow axis | JOLD-600-CABN-12A |
980 | 600 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-600-CANN-12A |
980 | 600 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-600-CANN-5A |
980 | 600 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-600-CANN-6A |
980 | 660 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-660-CAFN-6A |
980 | 720 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-720-CAFN-10A |
980 | 720 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-720-CAFN-8A |
980 | 720 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-720-CANN-6A |
980 | 800 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-800-CANN-8A |
980 | 864 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-864-CAFN-12A |
980 | 880 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-880-CAFN-8A |
980 | 900 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-900-CAFN-10A |
980 | 960 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-960-CANN-8A |
980 | 1000 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-1000-CANN-10A |
980 | 1080 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-1080-CAFN-12A |
980 | 1100 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-1100-CAFN-10A |
980 | 1200 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-1200-CANN-10A |
980 | 1200 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-1200-CANN-12A |
980 | 1320 | CW | actively cooled | fast axis | JOLD-1320-CAFN-12A |
980 | 1440 | CW | actively cooled | without | JOLD-1440-CANN-12A |
Please contact us for more information!