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We are partners to our customers, providing high-quality solutions meeting demands.

The high quality of our products and services, and the satisfaction of our customers are our ultimate objectives. These objectives are based on the benchmark of compliance with the statutory and official regulations, where different requirements exist depending on the market.

In response to this, our segments have partly implemented industry-specific management systems arising from customer and supplier relationships. The quality management systems in our divisions are audited annually.

We are constantly developing our products, technologies and services in the interests of our customers, employees, investors and partners. In doing so, we comply with international standards in accordance with

  • ISO 9001 for quality management,
  • ISO 14001 for environmental management,
  • ISO 45001 on occupational health and safety and
  • ISO 27001 for information security.
  • ISO 13485 for medical devices. 

Quality and environmental management: certification within the Jenoptik Group

Certificates and documents of the Jenoptik companies in the Biophotonics unit

Certificates and documents of the Jenoptik companies in the Semiconductor & Advanced Manufacturing unit

Certificates and documents of the Jenoptik companies in the Smart Mobility Solutions unit



TraffiPax, LLC


International supply chain security

JENOPTIK Robot GmbH is certified as AEO-F.

The AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) concept is based on the Customs-to-Business partnership introduced by the World Customs Organisation (WCO).

Traders who voluntarily meet a wide range of criteria work in close cooperation with customs authorities to assure the common objective of supply chain security and are entitled to enjoy benefits throughout the EU and eases customs clearance in several countries worldwide. The program, which aims to enhance international supply chain security and to facilitate legitimate trade, is open to all supply chain actors. It covers economic operators authorized for customs simplification (AEOC), security and safety (AEOS) or a combination of the two (AEO-F).

Check with your customs authority, if our AEO-F-certificate is supporting you to simplify the customs procedere into your country of destination.

Privacy protection and environmental statement

Certificates and documents of the Jenoptik companies in the Metrology & Production Solutions unit