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Analysts' recommendations / estimates

Target price in eurosLast update
ODDO BHF outperform 29.00 March 2025 
Warburg Research buy 37.00 March 2025 
Baader Helveabuy29.00March 2025
Deutsche Bank buy 39.00 March 2025 
Kepler Cheuvreux buy 34.00 March 2025 
UBS buy 30.00 March 2025 
LBBWbuy25.00February 2025
Stifel hold 25.00 February 2025 
Jefferies buy 29.00 February 2025 
BNP Paribas buy 39.00 February 2025 
Hauck & Aufhäuserhold 20.60 January 2025 
Metzler buy 30.00 December 2024 
DZ Bank hold23.80December 2024 
Berenbergbuy 34.00 November 2024 
HSBCbuy 33.00 July 2024

This list does not claim to be complete.

Target price in euros30.8339.0020.60
(as of December 17, 2024, Average)
Revenuein million euros 1,118.41,066.0980.714
in million euros
in million euros
in euros
Dividend per share
in euros

The consensus estimates are based solely on the analyses of financial analysts independent of JENOPTIK AG. Views, forecasts, estimates and predictions of JENOPTIK AG's performance by these analysts (and thus the figures of the consensus estimates) only reflect their views and do not represent the views, forecasts, estimates and predictions of JENOPTIK AG or the Executive Board of JENOPTIK AG. The reproduced consensus is not controlled, changed or censored by JENOPTIK AG. JENOPTIK AG accepts no liability for the accuracy and completeness of these estimates and does not undertake to correct or update the estimates or the consensus of analysts, even if these deviate from their own forecasts or expectations. As a result, any liability of JENOPTIK AG, e.g. for damages incurred by third parties based on the information contained on this website, is expressly excluded.

Basic information

DE000A2NB601 (previously DE0006229107)
WKN (German SIN)
A2NB60 (previously 622910)
SE Code
Class of shares
no-par value registered shares
Stock Capital
EUR 148,819,099.00
Number of shares
ListingFrankfurt/Official Market (Prime Standard)
Stock exchange
All German stock exchanges and XETRA® ("Exchange Electronic Trading")
TecDax, MDax, HDax, CDax, Midcap Market Index, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
Shareholder Structure
Thüringer Industriebeteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG11.0 %
Freefloat89.0 %
IPO Dates
IPO Date
June 16th, 1998
Offering period
03. - 12.06.1998
Bookbuilding range
28.00 - 34.00 DM
Issuing method
Issuing price
34.00 DM

shareholder structure

Shareholder structure (status of 2019)


Key dividend figures

2023 2022 2021 20202019
Dividend per share in euros
0.35 0.30 0.25 0.250.13
Payout amount in million euros20.0 17.2 14.3 14.37.4
Dividend yield in %1)
1.2 1.2 0.7 1.00.5
Payout ratio in %2)27.6 31.2 17.5 34.211.0
Total Shareholder Return in %
12.4 –30.448.8–0.412.4

1) based on year-end price
2) based on group earnings attributable to shareholders

Voting rights announcements

If you wish to send voting rights notifications by e-mail, please write to the Investor Relations mailbox or reach out to your personal IR contact. Thank you.

Release according to Article 40, Section 1 WpHG

March 12, 2025, Allianz SE, Munich, Germany

March 5, 2025, Ministry of Finance of Norway and Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway

March 3, 2025, Ministry of Finance of Norway and Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway

February 28, 2025, Ministry of Finance of Norway and Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway

February 26, 2025, Ministry of Finance of Norway and Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway

February 12, 2025, Ministry of Finance of Norway and Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway (2)

February 12, 2025, Ministry of Finance of Norway and Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway (1)

January 29, 2025, Ministry of Finance of Norway and Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway

January 8, 2025, Wellington Management Group, Boston, USA

December 17, 2024, Amundi S.A., Paris, France

December 11, 2024, Amundi S.A, Paris, France

November 5, 2024, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

October 22, 2024, Wellington Management Group, Boston, USA

October 7, 2024, BlackRock, Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA

July 26, 2024, Amundi S.A., Paris, France

June 27, 2024, Amundi S.A., Paris, France

February 16, 2024, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

December 27, 2023, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

September 21, 2023, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (#2)

September 21, 2023, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (#1)

August 15, 2023, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

August 8, 2023, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

August 3, 2023, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

July 27, 2023, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

July 26, 2023, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

April 20, 2023, Allianz Global Investors GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

February 28, 2923, BlackRock Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA

February 1, 2023, Wellington Management Group, Boston, USA

December 6, 2022, Ministry of Finance Norway and Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway

July 5, 2022, BlackRock Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA

June 22, 2022, Ameriprise Financial, Inc, Wilmington, DE, USA

June 22, 2022, BlackRock, Inc, Wilmington, DE, USA

May 12, 2022, Ameriprise Financial, Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA

May 4, 2022, Wellington Management Group, Boston, USA

April 14, 2022, Allianz Global Investors GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

March 31, 2022, Allianz Global Investors GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

September 22, 2021, BlackRock, Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA

September 3, 2021, BlackRock, Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA

October 30, 2020, Norges Bank & Ministry of Finance on behalf of the State of Norway, Oslo Norway

June 26, 2020, BlackRock, Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA

April 6, 2020, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main,Germany

April 1, 2020, Capital Group Companies, Inc., Los Angeles, California, USA

March 27, 2020, Allianz Global Investors GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

March 13, 2020, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main,Germany

March 13, 2020, Allianz SE, Munich, Germany

March 11, 2020, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

March 11, 2020, Allianz Global Investors GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

March 9, 2020, DWS Investment GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

March 9, 2020, SMALLCAP World Fund, Inc., Lutherville - Timonium, MD, USA

March 6, 2020, Allianz SE, Munich, Germany

March 5, 2020, Allianz SE, Munich, Germany

March 3, 2020, Capital Group Companies, Inc., Los Angeles, California, USA

February 7, 2020, Allianz SE, Munich, Germany

January 22, 2020, Allianz SE, Munich, Germany

January 17, 2020, Allianz Global Investors GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

January 13, 2020, AIM International Mutual Funds (Invesco International Mutual Funds), Wilmington, USA

January 13, 2020, Invesco Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda

December 16, 2019, SMALLCAP World Fund, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, USA

November 22, 2019, Ministry of Finance on behalf of the State of Norway, Oslo, Norway

November 15, 2019, Ministry of Finance on behalf of the State of Norway, Oslo, Norway

November 14, 2019, Ministry of Finance on behalf of the State of Norway & Norges Bank, Oslo, Norway

November 12, 2019, Ministry of Finance on behalf of the State of Norway, Oslo, Norway

October 25, 2019, Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC, Wilmington, USA

October 11, 2019, AIM International Mutual Funds (Invesco International Mutual Funds), Wilmington, USA

October 11, 2019, Invesco Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda

October 7, 2019, Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC, Wilmington, USA

October 1, 2019, Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC, Wilmington, USA

August 15, 2019, Allianz Global Investors, GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

August 15, 2019, Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC, Wilmington, USA

June 3, 2019, Invesco Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda

February 5, 2019, SMALLCAP World Fund, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, USA

December 14, 2018, The Capital Group Companies, Inc., Los Angeles, California, USA

October 29, 2018, SMALLCAP World Fund, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, USA

October 29, 2018, The Capital Group Companies, Inc., Los Angeles, California, USA

June 22, 2018, Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC, Willmington, DE, USA

June 8, 2018, BlackRock, Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA

February 1, 2018 Oppenheimer International Small-Mid Company Fund, Wilmington, USA

February 1, 2018 OppenheimerFunds, Inc., Denver, USA

Release according to section 26 para. 1 sent. 1 WpHG

September 29, 2017, Dimensional Holdings Inc., Austin, USA

June 29, .2017, JP Morgan Asset Management (UK) Limited, London, UK

June 29, 2017, JP Morgan Chase Bank, National Association, Columbus, USA

June 29, 2017, J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc., Wilmington Delaware, USA

May 15, 2017, J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc., New York, USA

May 15, 2017, JP Morgan Asset Management (UK) Limited, London, UK

May 15, 2017, JP Morgan Chase Bank, National Association, Columbus, USA

Registered shares

Jenoptik has converted its shares to registered shares

Stock corporations (Aktiengesellschaften) can categorize the share capital either as registered or bearer shares. In the past, Jenoptik had bearer shares. Why did we convert the shares into registered shares?

The share register, where all shareholders of Jenoptik are registered, gives Jenoptik a better overview of its shareholders. It allows a more detailed analysis of the shareholder structure and the development of shareholdings of institutional investors. Furthermore, Investor Relations will be more efficient and can target its operations more directly. In the daily communication with private shareholders registered shares provide valuable assistance as we can make better use of the opportunities of electronic communication. We can, for example, send the letter of invitation for the Annual General Meeting directly to the shareholders without including the custodian banks in this process.

Due to the conversion to registered shares our shares have been traded under a new international securities identification number (ISIN) – DE000A2NB601 – since September 3, 2018. All shareholders of Jenoptik were informed of the conversion by their custodian banks.


There are currently no bonds.

Share certificates

Jenoptik share certificates were taken out of circulation.


Voting rights announcements (archive)

November 07, 2016, Norges Bank & Ministry of Finance on behalf of the State of Norway, Oslo Norway

February 22, 2016, Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC, USA, Delaware, Wilmington

January 28, 2016, Oddo Meriten Asset Management SA

January 5, 2016, Philippe Oddo

December 23, 2015, Philippe Oddo

November 11, 2015, Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC, USA, Delaware, Wilmington

October 13, 2015, Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC, USA, Delaware, Wilmington

August 21, 2015, Financière IDAT, Paris, Frankreich, Philippe Oddo, France

July 16, 2015, Norges Bank (the Central Bank of Norway), Oslo, Norway

July 15, 2015, ODDO Asset Management und ODDO & CIE, Paris, France

June 1, 2015, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, Austin, Texas, USA

April 9, 2015, Norges Bank (the Central Bank of Norway), Oslo, Norway

April 2, 2015, ECE Industriebeteiligungen GmbH, Vienna, Austria

March 18, 2015, Source Holdings Limited, Georgetown, Cayman Islands

March 18, 2015, Source Investment Management Limited, Dublin, Ireland

March 12, 2015, Source Markets plc, Dublin, Ireland

February 11, 2015, ODDO & CIE, Paris, France

February 11, 2015, ODDO Asset Management, Paris, France

August 22, 2014, Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management, Frankfurt, Germany

August 9, 2014, Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management, Frankfurt, Germany

April 8, 2014, ERGO Lebensversicherung, Hamburg, Germany

April 8, 2014, ERGO Versicherungsgruppe, Düsseldorf, Germany

April 8, 2014, MEAG MUNICH ERGO AssetManagement, Munich, Germany

April 8, 2014, MEAG MUNICH ERGO Kapitalanlagegesellschaft, Munich, Germany

April 8, 2014, Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany

August 5, 2013, Templeton Investment Counsel, LLC, Wilmington, Delaware, USA

January 28, 2013, ODDO & CIE, Paris, France

January 28, 2013, ODDO Asset Management, Paris, France