Annual Report 2024
Jenoptik also successfully concluded the 2024 fiscal year with record figures for revenue and earnings. The company has also become more efficient and Jenoptik is also very well positioned financially and in terms of its balance sheet. The company is therefore looking to the future with confidence, even if the environment in our key markets is very challenging in the short term in 2025.
The fiscal year 2024 at a glance:
- Jenoptik successfully closed the fiscal year 2024, achieving the revenue and earnings targets set at the beginning of the year despite an increasingly challenging market environment.
- Robust revenue growth: Revenue grew by 4.7 percent to 1,115.8 million euros. This entirely organic growth was driven by contributions from all divisions.
- Profitability further improved: Group EBITDA increased by 5.7 percent to 221.5 million euros.
- Order intake below prior-year level: In particular due to weak demand from the automotive industry, the order intake in the past fiscal year was 5.9 percent down on the prior-year figure.
- Continued investment in capacity expansion: The construction of our high-tech factory in Dresden progressed as planned and has been completed in the meantime.
- Healthy free cash flow; financial and balance sheet position further improved
- The Executive and Supervisory Boards will propose to the Annual General Meeting a dividend payment of 0.38 euros per share.
- The 2025 outlook reflects exceptionally high market uncertainties.
- Our take on sustainability: As an “enabler,” we use our expertise and innovative products to make an important contribution to overcome social and climate challenges, enable customers worldwide to contribute more efficiently and sustainably to conserving resources and protecting the climate.
- We have implemented a leaner organizational structure that will enable us to operate more efficiently and strengthen our focus on core markets going forward.
Key figures
Revenue (Group)
million euros
million euros
Order intake
million euros
Dividend per share
Cent (AGM approval pending)