ESG ratings
Jenoptik sustainability ratings, rankings and awards

Improvement to "AA"
The Jenoptik Group improved from A to AA in the latest sustainability rating from MSCI, a leading global provider of sustainability analyses and ratings, in January 2023. Jenoptik is thus one of the 15 percent of the world’s best-rated companies in the Electronic Components sector, making it a group of frontrunners in sustainability, according to MSCI. The improved rating is based, among other things, on the well-coordinated governance practices and guidelines on business ethics, anti-corruption, and a system for internal and external complaints management.
About the rating: MSCI ESG Research, based in New York, is one of the world’s largest providers of sustainability analyses and ratings on the environment, social matters and governance (ESG). With 40 years of research expertise, sustainability products and services are used by global clients to integrate ESG factors into the investment process to identify material ESG risks and opportunities that do not come under the conventional investment research process.
Each company is primarily classified in terms of its ESG risks and how well these risks are managed compared to other competitors, classified as: “Leader” AAA-AA, “Average” A-BB, “Laggard” B-CCC. In total, there are seven different classifications. This evaluation also includes equity, fixed income securities, loans, investment funds, ETFs and countries in which the Company operates. In addition, how the group behaves towards its employees, and how it manages its water and its CO2 footprint are assessed.
Disclaimer statement: The use by Jenoptik of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its affiliates (“MSCI”) data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of Jenoptik by MSCI. MSCI services and date are the property of MSCI or its information providers, and are provided ‘as-is’ and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.
Women’s Career Index

The Jenoptik Group is driving cultural change with measures for greater diversity, such as concrete targets for the group-wide diversity rate and the signing of the “Charter of Diversity”. Jenoptik is regularly audited by FKI internationally.
In 2022, we were able to increase our result in Germany by 5 points compared to the previous year to 83 index points (78 points in the previous year). We are therefore also 5 points above the average of the comparable companies in Germany, which have an index of 78 points. We are very proud to do officially better than industry benchmark, which helps us enormously to attract and retain diverse talents.
About the rating: The Women's Career Index (FKI) is an independent measurement tool that provides important indicators for the areas of new leadership, diversity and transformation. FKI does not offer an isolated view of individual factors, but rather detailed insights into interrelationships and impact mechanisms that support the advancement of women and promote diversity in the company and thus also form the basis for innovations.
Further ratings

EcoVadis Rating 2023: "Bronze Status"
Jenoptik has once again undergone a comprehensive review by the international rating agency for EcoVadis sustainability assessment – and has received bronze status for its company-wide sustainability management.
EcoVadis analyses the sustainability performance of companies in the four categories of environment, labor practices & human rights, fair business practices and sustainable purchasing.
About the rating: EcoVadis has operated an independent, collaborative platform since 2007 that provides CSR ratings from suppliers to global supply chains. EcoVadis aims to promote companies’ environmental and social practices through CSR performance monitoring within the supply chain and to help companies improve sustainability.

Sustainalytics 2022: Jenoptik above average in a sector comparison
Jenoptik was able to further reduce sustainability risks and is classified as a “Low Risk Company” in the latest Sustainability update from May 2022. With a rating of 10.3, the group made it into the top 3 companies in the peer group in the Electronic Equipment sector.
About the rating: Sustainalytics is now part of Morningstar and specializes in assessing the future viability of companies with regard to their ESG criteria. The Amsterdam-based company employs over 600 people, offers data on 40,000 companies worldwide and ratings on 20,000 companies in 172 countries. Sustainalytics is all about balancing risks. In general, the lower the ESG risk rating as such, the lower the risk of suffering financial harm from the ESG factors.

Charter of Diversity for a better working environment
Jenoptik advocates a respectful and unbiased working environment that values talent based on performance – regardless of age, gender and gender identity, ethnic origin and nationality, religion and belief, sexual orientation and identity or physical abilities. That’s why Jenoptik signed the Charter of Diversity in August 2020 and is, therefore, part of an employer initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions.

ISS ESG awarded Jenoptik a C rating
On a scale from A (best grade) to D, Jenoptik was given a C grade by the ISS ESG rating agency in 2023. Jenoptik belongs to the top third of companies in the Electronic Components sector rated by ISS ESG.
About the rating: ISS ESG is a rating agency in the sustainable investment segment that examines companies according to a variety of ecological and social criteria. Up to 100 rating criteria are applied for the ESG rating. They include, among other things, a strategy for climate change, environmental management, corporate governance, sustainability of the products, human rights and the shareholder structure.
UN Global Compact

In late 2021, Jenoptik signed up to become a member of the UN Global compact, the United Nations' network for corporate responsibility. The Jenoptik Group is committed to comprehensively comply with the ten principles on which the network is based. These principles relate to the areas of human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and universal anti-corruption. Participating companies reject child labor and discrimination, accelerate the development of environmentally friendly technologies and support the protection of human rights.
In addition, Jenoptik is committed to sharing the goal of an inclusive and sustainable economy along the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
“Joining the Global Compact is a further step and visible sign that we are consistently expanding and professionalizing our sustainability activities,” said Dr. Stefan Traeger, President & CEO of JENOPTIK AG.
As part of a transparent and open communication on sustainability issues, Jenoptik released its first UN Global Compact progress report in 2022 (see downloads).
Highlights of the 2022 Progress Report
- In order to further increase transparency in the supply chain, detect violations and identify high-risk business partners in good time, Jenoptik implemented a central platform for group-wide supplier screening with regard to compliance with various sustainability criteria in 2021.
- Management positions in the Group are to be filled to a greater extent with international employees and women - measured in the diversity rate, which is to increase to 33 percent by 2025. In 2023, the diversity rate was 29.4 percent.
- Through the targeted purchase of renewable energies, Jenoptik almost exclusively procures green electricity from European hydropower throughout Germany, which is backed by certificates of origin.