Protecting public places using automatic number plate recognition
ANPR technology helps in the early detection and prevention of organized crime and criminal acts in public places.
Jenoptik's automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) solutions help police and security authorities by increasing security measures in public places. Networks of multiple VECTOR² cameras can be installed for mass surveillances of suspect vehicles approaching highly populated locations such as government buildings, airports, universities, hospitals, shopping malls and multi-story car parks.
VECTOR² cameras have a high capture rate and automatically transmit data to data centres. TraffiData analysis software analyses the information in real time, compares it against police watch lists, and automatically reports suspect vehicles. For example, in a university security zone, a suspect vehicle is detected by the first VECTOR²camera installed in the network. The software reports that this vehicle is within the safety zone. By passing the second VECTOR²camera, police and security officers will know precisely where the car is heading enabling them to take appropriate action.
Filters can be defined within the software to reconstruct movement patterns, departure points and links to other vehicles. Criminal profiles can then be created and criminal acts detected. ANPR technology keeps you one step ahead of criminals and is effective in combating organised crime.
- Fast: VECTOR² cameras record and identify suspect vehicles in real time.
- Efficient: Streamlined use of personnel and resources.
- Targeted: TraffiData filters the ANPR data according to relevant information.
- Data protection compliant: ANPR data is compared against watch lists and immediately deleted when no hits are returned.
- Trusted: VECTOR²cameras are proven in projects around the world.
- Increase security in public places:Police and security authorities can use Jenoptik’s ANPR cameras and TraffiData analysis software to analyze data in real time.
Protecting public places: Product overview
Products for the protection of public places
VECTOR² automatic number plate recognition camera
VECTOR² cameras: Increase security in public places
Jenoptik’s VECTOR² cameras are proven in projects around the world, assisting police and security authorities in protecting public spaces.
Networks of multiple VECTOR² cameras mean police and security authorities can fully monitor high-risk public spaces such as government buildings, shopping centres and universities. VECTOR² cameras are particularly powerful and reliable in detecting any vehicle entering or exiting a security zone. You benefit by being able to integrate new data collection points at any time for temporary or permanent surveillance of roads and public areas.
No matter how many ANPR cameras are in use, or the number of locations monitored, data transmission is fast and secure. All information is collected, processed and evaluated in a data centre. TraffiData software analyses ANPR data in real time, automatically comparing it against watch lists. Police and security officials are then able to quickly identify suspect vehicles and precisely track their movements. This information represents a major advantage in combating organised and other crimes, supporting those responsible for crime prevention and provides greater security in public places.
Benefits of VECTOR²
- Recording capability: VECTOR² cameras reliably detect all passing vehicles.
- Automatic: VECTOR² cameras transmit data in real time to a data centre.
- Efficient: VECTOR² cameras are high-speed saving on time and personnel resources.
- Durable and reliable: VECTOR² cameras are proven in applications around the world.
Applications of VECTOR²
- Increased security in public places: Police and security authorities are using VECTOR² cameras to automatically record number plates and identify suspect vehicles.
TraffiData analysis software
TraffiData analysis software: Identifying suspect vehicles for the protection of public places
TraffiData analysis software helps police and security authorities combat organised crime effectively and systematically, by increasing security in public places.
Protecting public places using big data management: TraffiData software is designed to process and evaluate huge amounts of ANPR data. TraffiData processes and analyses the ANPR data in real time and transmits it to a data centre.
As a vehicle passes through the field of view of the ANPR camera, a picture is taken of the license plate, the software then compares the license plate against a watch list. If the search returns a hit, TraffiData software identifies the vehicle and classifies it as suspect, automatically alerting police and security authorities. Additional ANPR cameras enable suspicious vehicles to be precisely located and tracked, assisting in the prevention of criminal activity.
TraffiData analysis software has advance search functions and options to define features, allowing for the reconstruction of movement patterns, departure points and links to other vehicles, as well as the creation of criminal profiles and behaviour patterns. This functionality helps in the prevention of criminal acts and the combat of organised crime over the long term.
Benefits of TraffiData
- Powerful: TraffiData analysis software can process huge amounts of ANPR data and provide reliable evaluations.
- Automatic: Police and security authorities are alerted when a suspect vehicle is identified.
- Fast: TraffiData processes recorded ANPR data in real time.
- Efficient: Automated big data management save on personnel and resources.
- Versatile: A search function and various filters enable TraffiData to be used in different applications.
Applications of TraffiData
- Increased security in public places: TraffiData analysis software evaluates large amounts of ANPR data to increase civil security.
Increase public safety by using intelligent solutions from Jenoptik

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