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With the GRYPHAX® series ProgRes® cameras have a more than worthy, Windows 10 compatible successor

You appreciate working with your ProgRes® camera? It runs perfectly and serves you well?

ProgRes® Series

We are happy about that. Because an essential pillar of our product policy for the ProgRes® camera is stability, which is based on its robustness and durability, among other things.

So far, the ProgRes® era has lasted about 30 years. For 3 decades, ProgRes® cameras have inspired users, accompanied many useful discoveries, contributed to the early detection of life-threatening diseases and inspired young people to explore our microcosm. It fills us with pride and gratitude to be able to contribute to making the world a little bit better every day. This thought inspires our team every day anew.

We thank you for your trust and loyalty. Thousands of loyal users of our ProgRes® camera - including you - have made 30 years of ProgRes® possible!

It is not easy for us to say goodbye to our dear ProgRes® camera. But even good products reach the end of their product life cycle one day. There are numerous reasons for an end-of-life planning for the ProgRes® camera, despite its continued flawless performance. As products mature, electronic components become increasingly difficult to obtain. The prices of spare parts rise to such an extent that it no longer makes sense to maintain service. Also on the software side, product discontinuations and support discontinuations from outside speak for this step. The support for WINDOWS 7 was discontinued in January 2020. An update to WINDOWS 10 is highly recommended and helps to protect your system security.

GRYPHAX® is the innovative successor technology of the ProgRes® camera

Jenoptik took up the changing market requirements some time ago and began working on a technological innovation. The ProgRes® camera technology has been extended by a functionally richer technology and has taken Jenoptik's image processing competence to a new evolutionary level. JENOPTIK GRYPHAX® cameras are very well established in the market and the GRYPHAX® community is growing steadily.

Even if the service & support for your ProgRes® camera is maintained for a foreseeable period of time, there are good reasons to upgrade to a WINDWOS 10 compatible camera of the new generation.

Get more information about our trade-in offer and become a part of the GRYPHAX® community.

The intention of our developers and designers behind the JENOPTIK GRYPHAX® series is to refine your existing microscopes and, after upgrading to a GRYPHAX® camera, to give you the feeling of working with a completely new microscope system. For example, with the new panorama feature of the GRYPHAX® software you can easily enlarge your field of view by a factor of 10!

We recommend the corresponding GRYPHAX® successor models for your ProgRes® camera:

CT3 USB | CT3 FireWire

Your camera performance no longer matches your daily challenges?
Then it's time to upgrade!

Replace your old microscope camera. We recommend

    Cost efficient with 2 & 8 MPix I 4K


Your camera performance no longer matches your daily challenges?
Then it's time to upgrade!

Replace your old microscope camera. We recommend

    Cost efficient with 3 & 12 MPix

CF USB | CF FireWire | CT1 USB

Your camera performance no longer matches your daily challenges?
Then it's time to upgrade!

Replace your old microscope camera. We recommend

    Full HD solution

SpeedXTcore3 USB | C3 FireWire | C3cool FireWire | C10 | C10plus | Star

Your camera performance no longer matches your daily challenges?
Then it's time to upgrade!

Replace your old microscope camera. We recommend

    4K solution

SpeedXTcore5 USB | C5 FireWire | C5cool FireWire | C7 FireWire | C12 | C12plus

Your camera performance no longer matches your daily challenges?
Then it's time to upgrade!

Replace your old microscope camera. We recommend

    With revolutionary 5 & 20 MPix

C14 | C14plus FireWire | CFscan FireWire | MFscan FireWire | ProgRes 3012 | ProgRes 3008

Your camera performance no longer matches your daily challenges?
Then it's time to upgrade!

Replace your old microscope camera. We recommend

    The flagship and real measured color

CFcool FireWire

Your camera performance no longer matches your daily challenges?
Then it's time to upgrade!

Replace your old microscope camera. We recommend

    In low light & bright field | Colored


Your camera performance no longer matches your daily challenges?
Then it's time to upgrade!

Replace your old microscope camera. We recommend

    Cost efficient | Monochrome

MF FireWire

Your camera performance no longer matches your daily challenges?
Then it's time to upgrade!

Replace your old microscope camera. We recommend

    Full HD solution | Monochrome

MFcool FireWire

Your camera performance no longer matches your daily challenges?
Then it's time to upgrade!

Replace your old microscope camera. We recommend

    In low light | Monochrome


Software Download


The PROGRES GRYPHAX® Software package is included in the scope of delivery.
Registered users may download the current version as well as more recent updates without charge.

ProgRes® CapturePro Software

The ProgRes® CapturePro Software package is included in the scope of delivery.
Registered users may download the current version as well as more recent updates without charge.

Product Information

Specialized Software from External Partners

Our external software partners offer a number of additional, specialized applications for the ProgRes® microscope camera.

ProgRes® microscope cameras are supported by numerous specialized image analysis programs. This opens up a wider range of applications in research and development.
You can use the programs from our partners to create 3D images, manage images across different sites in databases or analyze images based on subject-specific criteria.

Our cameras are integrated in application software of the following software partners and
Jenoptik provides free of charges drivers for the following software solutions.


You have questions? | Use the "Select" option and contact your Jenoptik contact person.

Stefan Seidlein
Anne Stiebich
Daniel Kaiser

Stefan Seidlein

Product Manager

Anne Stiebich

Global Sales Manager

Daniel Kaiser

Service & Support Manager



Janne Liao

Sales Manager

Personal Information


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