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Ecuador makes its national roads safer with Jenoptik technology
The Ecuadorian National Traffic Commission selected Jenoptik for a 12 year project to make its roads safer. Together with its local Ecuadorian partner, the company will deliver about 120 speed enforcement cameras as well as services.

Jenoptik, a leading manufacturer of smart mobility solutions, has been selected together with its Ecuadorian partner by the Ecuadorian National Traffic Commission (CTE) to steer a traffic management project across the entire region of Ecuador. The project spans over 12 years and entails the deployment of more than 120 VECTOR SR cameras, which are used to enforce spot speed. Installations began in January 2024 and the first cameras are now in operation. The collaboration encompasses services, solutions and the expertise of the local partner, advancing Ecuador’s traffic infrastructure and making its roads safer.
Finbarr O'Carroll, President of Jenoptik’s Smart Mobility Solutions division in the Americas, said: “We are proud to contribute with our solutions to Vision Zero worldwide and especially in Ecuador. Ecuador is taking a significant step to tackle speeding and to making its roads safer. We are excited to contribute our expertise to this comprehensive traffic management endeavor and look forward to making a lasting impact on Ecuador’s transportation landscape. The project reinforces Jenoptik’s dedication to driving positive change through technological innovation and strategic partnerships.”
Alexis Collazo, Vice President of Sales & Services in Latin America (LATAM) and the Caribbean of Jenoptik’s Smart Mobility Solutions division, said, “Securing the national project in Ecuador is a significant milestone for us. It reflects not only our commitment to excellence but also our ability to provide the first-of-its-kind comprehensive solution at a national level in Latin America.”
Under this initiative, Jenoptik collaborates with its strategic partner in Ecuador to deliver a turnkey solution to the Ecuadorian National Traffic Commission, leveraging state-of-the-art technology. It contains about 120 non-invasive digital VECTOR SR cameras with which speeding vehicles can be identified, both at day and night with the use of an infrared flash. The project aims to provide robust security measures, proactive accident prevention, and strict law enforcement regarding speed limits, contributing to road safety and reducing fines and accidents across Ecuador.
The first VECTOR cameras were installed in January 2024, the remaining will gradually follow until Mid-2024. Within the first 20 days of operation, speeding drivers will receive a warning ticket without a monetary fee. After that period, people caught not adhering to the speed limit will be issued a speeding ticket by the government.
A product image is available for download from Jenoptik’s image database in the Products / Traffic Safety & Smart Mobility folder.
About Jenoptik and its Smart Mobility Solutions division
Optical technologies form the center of our business. Jenoptik is a global photonics group and comprises the two divisions Advanced Photonic Solutions and Smart Mobility Solutions. Approximately 4,600 people worldwide work for the Jenoptik Group, which is headquartered in Jena (Germany). In fiscal year 2023, Jenoptik generated revenue of approx. 1.07 billion euros, based on preliminary figures.
Jenoptik’s Smart Mobility Solutions division provides photonics-based, innovative and sustainable solutions, including technology and services for Road Safety, Public Security and Road User Charging. Our customers include local and governmental authorities, police and enforcement agencies, as well as public and private organizations.
As pioneers of sensor-based road safety cameras and automatic number plate recognition (ANPR/ALPR), Traffic Law Enforcement and ANPR technology is at the core of our product portfolio. Our solutions cover a wide range of stationary and mobile applications such as vehicle monitoring and classification, average and spot speed, red-light enforcement including additional features, civil security, as well as road user charging and emission control, using video analytics and artificial intelligence.
With over 4,000 cameras installed across the US and tens of thousands of cameras worldwide, our strong global presence and installation base is supported by a reliable partner network. With innovation as our driving force, Jenoptik is a world-leading enabler for smart mobility, with intelligent solutions and services constantly evolving to help make roads, journeys, communities and our environment safer around the globe.