Improvements in sustainability
Jenoptik is rated AA in the MSCI ESG rating as a frontrunner.

The Jenoptik Group improved from A to AA in the latest sustainability rating from MSCI, a leading global provider of sustainability analysis and ratings. Jenoptik is thus one of the 15 percent of the world’s best-rated companies in the Electronic Components sector, making it a group of frontrunners in sustainability, according to MSCI.
The improved rating comes primarily from the area of governance. Jenoptik is a leader in terms of ethical business practices and, in addition to ethics training for all employees, offers formal anti-corruption guidelines and a system for internal and external complaints management. The increased proportion of business activities in Switzerland as a result of the recent acquisition was also rated positively, as the risk of work interruptions is rated significantly lower here, according to MSCI.
The ratings show that Jenoptik is making steady progress in the area of sustainability. According to the analysis, there is further potential for improvement, among other things, in the disclosure of investment targets for the expansion of clean-tech product lines.
New York-based MSCI ESG Research is one of the world’s largest providers of environmental, social and governance (ESG) sustainability analysis and ratings. MSCI ESG Ratings aim to measure a company’s management of financially relevant ESG risks and opportunities. Using a rules-based methodology, industry leaders and laggards are identified based on their exposure to ESG risks and how they manage those risks relative to peers. ESG ratings range from frontrunner (AAA, AA), average (A, BBB, BB) to laggard (B, CCC) and also assess equities and fixed income, credit, mutual funds, ETFs and countries.
About Jenoptik
Optical technologies are the basis of our business: Jenoptik is a globally active technology group and operates in the two photonics-based divisions Advanced Photonic Solutions and Smart Mobility Solutions. The non-photonic activities, particularly for the automotive market, are managed as independent brands within the Non-Photonic Portfolio Companies. Our key target markets primarily include the semiconductor equipment industry, medical technology, automotive and mechanical engineering as well as traffic. Approximately 4,400 employees work for Jenoptik worldwide. The Group’s headquarters are in Jena (Germany). JENOPTIK AG is listed on the German Stock Exchange in Frankfurt and is included in the SDax and TecDax. In the fiscal year 2021, Jenoptik generated revenue of 750.7 million euros with its continuing operations.