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Jenoptik vision-enhanced laser tool

Whether e-bike, driving assistance or smartwatch, these products have one thing in common. They are highly precise, and every millimeter must fit accurately. In manufacturing, lasers are increasingly taking over the processing of materials. To achieve the required and necessary precision in laser machining processes, an innovative product from Jenoptik is used.

JENvelt™ (Jenoptik Vision-Enhanced Laser Tool) is a system platform that uses a software to automatically position laser radiation on the workpiece in order to perform laser material processing. The cameras integrated in the system help our customers to accelerate their development and implementation of laser processes. JENvelt enables intelligent control and monitoring of manufacturing processes. With JENvelt, production yield is increased, and defective parts are reduced because the cameras and the system automatically identify characteristic workpiece properties, detect deviations, and correct them. Mass production can therefore be largely self-sufficient.

Infinite applications for laser material processing

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