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Our latest press releases, company news and upcoming events

Welcome to our press section where you will find our latest press releases and company news, as well as details of all the industry events we will be attending in the UK.

Press releases and company news

10/04/2024 - Jenoptik to install SPECS average speed cameras along 25 routes in Greater Manchester

Jenoptik secures order with Transport for Greater Manchester to install SPECS average speed cameras across 25 routes.

Jenoptik, a leading manufacturer of road safety and security solutions, has signed a contract with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) to deliver SPECS average cameras along 25 roads. This marks the second phase of an upgrade project in the area to encourage improved driver behavior by creating a better network of modern safety cameras. In 2023, TfGM also awarded the company the contract to deliver 90 VECTOR SR spot speed systems as part of the first phase of the project. Both contracts combined are at a high single digit million Pound value, covering the supply, installation, and maintenance of the solutions for five years.

Tobias Deubel, Head of Jenoptik’s Smart Mobility Solutions division, said: ”Transport for Greater Manchester is taking considerable action to upgrade its road safety measures to get closer to Vision Zero. We are proud to be part of it by providing technology and services for spot speed and average speed measurement.”

Funded through the Mayor’s Challenge fund, TfGM launched a program to upgrade its network of existing enforcement cameras which will help to maintain the benefits of existing locations, and contribute towards reductions in speeding and collisions. In the first phase, Jenoptik was selected to deliver 90 VECTOR SR cameras for spot speed enforcement. The second phase will see the introduction of 25 average speed routes to replace existing speed cameras and enforce speeding over a larger area.

The locations were carefully selected with the help of analysis carried out by TfGM, Greater Manchester Police and Jenoptik to deliver the best improvements to road safety for all road users.

“Independent analysis of statistics on roads with average speed cameras show that the technology has contributed to casualty reduction by halving the number of crashes, where someone was either killed or seriously injured,” explained Jenoptik UK Sales & Marketing Director John Piper.

Superintendent Gareth Parkin from GMP’s Specialist Operations said: “These speed camera upgrades across 25 routes in Greater Manchester are a fantastic improvement on road safety measures for all who live, work and visit the area. Speeding represents one of the ‘fatal four’ that we focus on here in Greater Manchester.”

Dame Sarah Storey, Greater Manchester’s Active Travel Commissioner, said: “As a city-region we are working to adopt Vision Zero, which targets the elimination of all deaths and life-changing injuries on our roads. Speeding is a leading cause behind fatal collisions, and in Greater Manchester 598 people have been needlessly killed or seriously injured between 2020 and 2022 as a result of it.”

The cameras from both phases are specifically used to enforce speed limits and do not automatically detect another offence. Average speed cameras have also been found to improve air quality and reduce emissions. Jenoptik will present its full range of products and services at Intertraffic in Amsterdam.

25/09/2023 - Project EDWARD working in partnership with the Devon & Cornwall Vision Zero team

The road safety platform Project EDWARD has issued a video promoting the value of targeted speed enforcement reducing casualties across Devon and Cornwall.
Project EDWARD, which stands for "Every Day Without A Road Death", promotes an evidence-led, "safe system" approach to deliver a road traffic system free from death and serious injury.
The video details the enforcement of a 20 mph scheme in the Old Laira Road area of Plymouth which used a mixture of Jenoptik average and spot speed camera technology to deliver speed limit compliance without inconveniencing residents by adding in speed bumps and other engineering solutions.

For further insights on the project you can watch the full interview on the website

11/09/2023 - Highway Presents: Jenoptik - modern network management, safety and innovation

Our Sales & Marketing Director John Piper spoke with Dominic Browne, Editor of Highways Magazine for an interesting discussion on the use of technology, artificial intelligence and sustainable innovations in urban traffic management and enforcement.

Learn more about Highways and watch the complete video: Highway Presents

20/07/2023 - Jenoptik upgrades Greater Manchester’s spot speed cameras

Jenoptik's VECTOR SR system for red light and speed enforcement

With the upgrade, Greater Manchester creates a network of modern spot speed cameras and makes use of the latest technology to enforce speed infringements.

Jenoptik, a leading manufacturer of smart mobility solutions, has signed a contract with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) to upgrade 90 spot speed cameras and a five-year maintenance agreement. By using the latest technology, TfGM aims to create a sophisticated network of modern safety cameras to encourage better driver behaviour. The rollout will start this summer.

TfGM is upgrading its spot speed cameras with Jenoptik’s latest VECTOR SR technology. The camera system represents a move forward in technology, is ANPR-based and has the capability for 24/7 bi-directional enforcement. Unlike the existing spot speed technology, the cameras do not require in-road sensors and painted secondary check marks, and do not have a visible flash due to infra-red technology.

“We are delighted to be working with Transport for Greater Manchester and Greater Manchester Police to aid in the Vision Zero approach for the area. As a company, we know that our range of enforcement solutions helps to make roads safer,” commented Jenoptik UK Sales Director John Piper. “Seeing TfGM deliver such a major technology upgrade of its roadside enforcement sends a clear signal that those with a responsibility to deliver safer roads see just what a difference these cameras make.”

Superintendent Gareth Parkin of Greater Manchester Police’s Safer Transport Team said: “The new and upgraded speed cameras across the city-region will ensure that drivers adhere to road speeds and do not engage in reckless or anti-social driving.”

Most of the cameras are located on Bee Network active travel routes, which is composed of bus, tram, cycling and walking routes and help keep cyclist and pedestrians safe.

Greater Manchester’s Active Travel Commissioner, Dame Sarah Storey said: “A key part of being able to adopt the Vision Zero approach is being able to tackle road crime effectively and speeding is one of the leading causes of death and serious injury on Greater Manchester's roads.”

As well as upgrading spot speed cameras, Transport for Greater Manchester is also planning to introduce average speed camera checks in the second phase of its enforcement upgrades.

The VECTOR SR is an approved fully self-contained traffic enforcement system used to capture spot speed or red light and speed-on-green offences. Because of its lightweight design it can be installed on a wide array of columns and mounting positions, making it suitable for urban, rural and highway implementations.

03/03/2023 - Jenoptik delivers UK-first Police-enforced average speed scheme on private roads

Jenoptik has installed an average speed camera enforcement scheme to make roads safer at the huge DP World logistics park at the London Gateway port in south Essex.

It is the first time an average speed scheme has been installed on private roads. Offences will be enforced by Essex Police as they would on any other road. Under the Road Traffic Act 1984, the private network is still subject to all traffic laws because roads are accessible to the public.

The owners of the site turned to Jenoptik to deliver the safety solution after a number of incidents on its roads due to speeding, both by members of the public using the roads as a racetrack, and staff at businesses based there not adhering to the limits.

16 Jenoptik SPECS3 VECTOR Cameras have been installed to cover three main routes across the site - the 40 mph Port Access Road, the 30mph Ocean Boulevard and Atlantic Avenue routes within the logistics park. The cameras have been installed to the existing street lighting columns, which means costs have been minimised. The enforced limits have been applied with Traffic Regulation Orders and signing checked to ensure they are legally enforceable. Penalties will be the same as for any other police-enforced road.

“DP World contacted Jenoptik UK because we are the experts when it comes to average speed enforcement. This is our core business with more than 250 permanent average speed installations in the UK alone” said Jenoptik Account Manager, Timo Thornton; “Working collaboratively with DP World on the design and implementation of this scheme meant that we were able to move from order to completion in less than 12 weeks.”

Jenoptik’s SPECS3 technology uses highly accurate Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras to monitor the number plates of vehicles as they pass fixed points on the road, then calculates the time taken compared with how long it should take if the vehicle was driving at the speed limit. Vehicles taking less time can therefore be shown to be going too fast. Independent analysis comparing accident data before and after installation of the technology on roads proves that Fatal and Serious Collisions is reduced by 50%.

10/02/23 - 250th Jenoptik SPECS average speed enforcement scheme “makes village a safer place”

A county councillor is celebrating the installation of average speed cameras on a busy A road in Cornwall, saying the success of his long campaign to introduce the enforcement should make his village a safer place.

Cllr Peter Williams represents an area including the village Perranarworthal on the A39, which has been plagued by speeding cars, lorries and motorbikes for years, who ignore the 30 mph limit, with some vehicles spotted driving in excess of twice that speed. Multiple lives have been lost with many more people injured on the stretch of road linking the county town of Truro with Falmouth on the county’s south coast.

The average speed camera scheme marks the 250th installation of a Jenoptik SPECS scheme in the UK, as it becomes the go-to standard for fair and cost-effective enforcement on roads across the country. The technology uses highly accurate Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras to monitor the number plates of vehicles as they pass fixed points on the road, then calculates the time taken compared with how long it should take if the vehicle was driving at the speed limit. Vehicles taking less time can therefore be shown to be going too fast. Independent analysis comparing accident data before and after installation of the technology on roads proves that Fatal and Serious Collisions is reduced by 50%.

“Road safety has been one of my key priorities as Cornwall Councillor for Perranarworthal and I am pleased to have delivered on this for not only the people I represent but also everyone who uses this busy route between Truro and Falmouth,” commented Cllr Williams. “Thank you to the numerous people and organisations who have worked with me to make this happen over the past few years - it has been a long road to good outcome, and I hope this will make where we live a safer place.”

The landmark installation of the 250th permanent SPECS site illustrates how the use of average speed enforcement has grown over the years. The technology was invented and first used by Jenoptik UK under its old name of Speed Check Services in Nottingham in 2000 and it took 17 years for the first hundred to be installed. The company celebrated its 200th scheme in May 2021 and has installed another 50 in a little over 18 months.

“After years of carrying out Community Speed Watch and using mobile speed camera signs to help us educate drivers, these cameras will now provide constant monitoring along this section of the A39,” explained Vision Zero South West Partnership Manager Natalie Warr in a joint statement with Devon and Cornwall Police’s Head of Road Safety Adrian Leisk. “Drivers travelling over the speed threshold will receive a notice of intended prosecution with either an educational course, points and a fine or even court appearance as the outcome. We urge drivers to take more care and respect the limits in place.”

“SPECS was initially Home Office Type-Approved in 1999 but required cabled fibre-optic networks between a pair of remote cameras and the roadside servers, with the Police having to collect data from on-site portable drives each week,” explained Jenoptik Account Manager Timo Thornton. “This meant very high installation costs and a correspondingly low number of schemes being installed in the early years of the company. Since then, we have developed the technology dramatically over the years and the current SPECS3 VECTOR+ camera does the ANPR processing in the camera head, with the data transferred by 4G back to the police control office. Not only does that cut comms costs, but the equipment is light enough to be attached to existing street furniture where required, meaning installation costs are so much more cost-effective that we now regularly install as many schemes in a month as we used to in a year.

“Average speed cameras don’t just save lives,” he added. “They are also shown to lead to reduced emissions - meaning better air quality - and they have the support of drivers, with anecdotal evidence suggesting average speed schemes are far more accepted and popular than spot-speed solutions. Jenoptik is far and away the leading supplier of average speed enforcement solutions in the UK – we are the go-to supplier because we really understand how to deliver them, and in the process create safer, smoother, greener and fairer roads.”

29/09/22 - New Jenoptik cameras to make roads safer in Lancashire

SPECS camera to make roads safer in Lancashire

Work is getting underway to install five new SPECS average speed camera schemes in Lancashire on roads identified as the county’s most dangerous A-roads.

Before the end of the year camera installation will have commenced on the A581 from Rufford to Euxton, the A588 from Lancaster to Skippool, and the A683 in Lancaster from junction 34 of the M6 motorway to Kirkby Lonsdale. Next year cameras will be installed in Lancaster and the Ribble Valley.

Jenoptik has already delivered average speed cameras for eight routes across the county, with initial evaluation showing there has been a reduction in collisions of between 24% and 86% on these routes. One of these original routes was Jenoptik’s 100th permanent SPECS sites, installed in 2017. It is likely that as part of this programme, the 250th site will be delivered, demonstrating a significant growth in the use of SPECS enforced routes.

The average speed cameras work by reading the number plate of passing vehicles and calculating a driver’s average speed over a known length of road within the same speed limit. This results in drivers maintaining a steady average speed rather than just slowing down when they see a traditional fixed or spot speed camera, delivering safer and smoother traffic flows.

“It is very satisfying to work with Lancashire again to deliver a further five Average Speed Camera routes in Lancashire,” said Geoff Collins, Deputy Managing Director, Jenoptik UK. “We look forward to helping reduce risk, improving safety for both road users and residents.”

Lancashire County Council cabinet member for highways and transport Charlie Edwards added, “The technological advance represented by average speed cameras mean we are now in a position to greatly improve safety over many miles of Lancashire’s historically most dangerous roads.

“These are routes which rely on drivers exercising good judgement, being mainly rural in nature, and with features such as tight corners and junctions where the history of serious incidents over the years have generally been clustered.

“As has already been shown elsewhere, the average speed cameras should be a real game-changer in terms of reducing the number and severity of incidents, and ensuring everyone who uses these roads will be safer, and the communities who live alongside them can also begin to feel safer.”

Once installed, the cameras will go through a period of testing before being used by Police for enforcement.

29/09/22 - Safer and greener roadworks improved by enhanced Jenoptik enforcement solution

Temporary speed camera enforcement
Jenoptik have developed a series of enhancements to its temporary speed camera enforcement which means more sites can be monitored through an innovative, environmentally friendly power solution.

In the last 20 years, Jenoptik has delivered 500 Temporary Automated Speed Cameras At Roadworks (TASCAR) schemes which use its SPECS average speed cameras and VECTOR infra-red lighting system, to enforce the essential limits in place to keep drivers safe and traffic flowing.

Until now these solutions have required connection to the power grid or the use of diesel generators. Now iTASCAR, with the i standing for “intelligent” use renewable and zero carbon power only, so no CO2 is emitted on site. This is delivered through a combination of wind, solar and hydrogen power which allows schemes to be set up anywhere, even if there is no power and where air quality is particularly important.

iTASCAR is designed to be extremely energy efficient through the innovative design of both the VECTOR camera and the VECTOR infra-red lights, which are only activated when the camera’s shutter is used, rather than flooding the scene with light all the time. This reduced power draw means the system can be fully operational even through winter, 24/7, where other renewable energy-powered systems only work during daylight and fair weather.

The environmental benefits of iTASCAR are further enhanced by the co-location of Airly air quality monitoring sensors, which are mounted to the camera columns to provide 24/7 monitoring throughout the roadworks site. This not only allows the contractors and highway authority to understand the prevailing air quality conditions, but provides data that can aid intelligent decisions around certain construction activities – for example where particulates might be produced during construction, minimising the impact on the local environment.

The new approach has been successfully used at a number of UK sites, including the A11 Concrete Roads Replacement scheme, where power was not easily available and air quality was of particular importance.

‘The technology has performed really well and the fuel cell arrangements have proved very successful. The air quality monitoring provides useful data and Jenoptik have worked collaboratively with Morgan Sindall Infrastructure and our stakeholders’
Bob Feurtado, Senior Traffic Manager, Morgan Sindall Infrastructure

09/09/22 - A tribute to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

We are all deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty lived a truly remarkable life of public service to the UK and Commonwealth, and had an extraordinary impact on countless people around the world.

Our thoughts and condolences are with the members of the Royal family. Whilst observing the national mourning period we will continue to support our customers, suppliers, staff, and their families.

From all at Jenoptik Smart Mobility Solutions.

09/09/22 - Highways Presents: Jenoptik and a road safety revolution

SPECS - average speed enforcement camera
In the latest Highways Presents, Highways editor Dominic Browne speaks to Geoff Collins, deputy MD of Jenoptik, about the incredible advances in road safety over the last generation brought about by average speed cameras.

In just over 20 years, this systems-based advance in speed monitoring and enforcement has produced stunning results across the UK. Mr Collins reveals exclusive research into the latest figures on how many lives this technology has saved, as well as outlining how, where and why average speed cameras work so well.

He also discusses details of how to achieve home office type approval for such systems, comparisons between criminal and civil traffic enforcement and future innovations in traffic monitoring.

01/09/22 - Charitable donation to Crowthorne Foodbank

Charitable donation to Crowthorne Foodbank
From this year, Jenoptik UK have committed to donating £2.5k each quarter to a charitable organisation or good cause in the local area, based on nominations submitted by employees.

Our Marketing Executive, Victoria submitted Crowthorne Foodbank for nomination in Q1 for the support and food they provide to those in crisis from the local community. On Thursday 25th August, Victoria was pleased to present the volunteers at Crowthorne Foodbank with their donation; taking the opportunity to see the facilities and talk to them about the fantastic work they do.

Jenoptik’s welcome donation will go towards supplies and food packs.

Crowthorne Foodbank is run by Vineyard Church and is part of The Trussell Trust’s network of 428 foodbanks, working to tackle food poverty and hunger in local communities, as well as across the UK.

The Foodbank Network was founded in 2004 after four years of developing the original foodbank based in Salisbury. Since then The Trussell Trust has helped communities work together to launch foodbanks nationwide in a wide range of towns and cities.

In 2021/22, The Trussell Trust’s Foodbank Network provided 2,173,158 three-day emergency food supplies and support to UK people in crisis. Of these, 832,109 went to children.

If you would like to make a personal donation to the Trussell Trust or a foodbank in your area, you can find the details on the Trussell Trust website.

31/08/22 - Jenoptik sponsors Wolves and Bilston Activity Week 2022

Jenoptik sponsors Wolves and Bilston Activity Week 2022
Every year Wolves and Bilston Athletics Club, along with WV active put on two weeks of athletics camp during the Summer holidays for children in receipt of free school meals, and this year #Jenoptik UK were proud sponsors of this initiative.

Our Senior Field Team Engineer, Kevin Billet along with a number of other coaches from the club, supported around 30 children each week, coaching them in all aspects of athletics from running, jumping and throwing.

Jenoptik UK’s sponsorship enabled the coaching team to provide each child with a long sleeve running top in addition to a running cap, a sports bottle and medals to keep, which the children were overjoyed to receive.

During the Activity Week, the coaches look at individuals that they may be able to help get more involved in athletics and encourage them to come and join them on club nights. Some of the children enjoyed their time at the Activity Week so much that they have wanted to continue on with athletics – which is great to hear. This has been made possible by supplying children with support, coaching and the kit they need to take part in such activities.

At the end of a very enjoyable two weeks, Kevin and the coaches feel a great sense of pride and emotion seeing children who at the start were shy and reserved, now making friends and feeling part of a team.

We’re proud to support such a wonderful initiative.

30/06/22 - UK: Simplified structure

Markt Verkehrssicherheit
From the 30th June 2022 the trade of JENOPTIK Traffic Solutions UK Ltd will transfer to JENOPTIK UK Ltd.

Over the past few months, we have been undergoing a project to streamline our corporate structure to create a single trading entity in the UK. This simpler corporate structure will reduce our administration burden and costs.

Our previous structure consists of a trading entity ‘JENOPTIK Traffic Solutions UK Ltd’ (JTSUK) and a holding entity ‘JENOPTIK UK Ltd’ (JUK). JTSUK is a wholly owned subsidiary of JUK, and JUK is a wholly owned subsidiary of JENOPTIK Robot GmbH, which is in turn a wholly owned subsidiary of JENOPTIK AG.

The new structure will consist of JENOPTIK UK Ltd (JUK), a wholly owned subsidiary of JENOPTIK Robot GmbH, which is in turn a wholly owned subsidiary of JENOPTIK AG.

The new structure will come into force on 30th June 2022, when the trade of JTSUK will transfer to JUK. All customer, supplier and employee contracts will transfer to JUK on this date.

In future, customers and suppliers will deal solely with JUK.

13/06/22 - Jenoptik yellow box enforcement solution demonstrated at Traffex

SPECS at roadsworks

Visitors to Traffex at Birmingham’s NEC this week will be able to try out for themselves a traffic monitoring solution for yellow box and other civil traffic infringement enforcement.

The #Jenoptik stand will feature an area marked like a yellow box, and as people step into it, a screen beside them will show how the new TraffiMove automatically detects when they dwell for too long.

Visitors will see how the system provides a robust and flexible platform that could be used across a variety of junction and road types. Combined with evidential standard data capture and encryption, violation records are communicated to a hosted cloud back office, allowing operators to view and process a range of offence types.

Jenoptik have one of the biggest stands at the three-day event. We will also be showing our industry-leading SPECS average speed cameras, a passively safe VECTOR SR Spot Speed/Red Light system, a Vehicle Activated ‘Average Speed Check’ Sign provided by Westcotec as well as providing a glimpse of the new GardoVia entry level camera platform; ideal for Parking enforcement and Police ANPR.

“Local Authorities are now able to use technology to enforce moving traffic infringements, but need the right technology to do so,” commented Jenoptik’s Deputy Managing Director Geoff Collins. “We are looking forward to meeting people at Traffex and introducing the solutions we have designed to support making urban traffic flows more efficient and safer, thanks to this new legislation. We will also, of course, be showing our range of speed enforcement solutions that have a track record in reducing deaths and serious injuries on the roads, as well as delivering economic and environmental benefits.”

Geoff will also be presenting in the Showcase Theatre on Wednesday 15th, covering “A review of recent effective enforcement technologies”, discussing the wider picture around how and why enforcement can be effectively applied.

Jenoptik can be found on stand C020. Traffex takes place at the NEC from Tuesday 14th to Thursday 16th June.

07/06/22 - Jenoptik feature in ITS UK Review

Jenoptik features in ITS UK Review
Jenoptik are pleased to be featured in this year’s issue of the ITS UK Review!

Deputy Managing Director, Geoff Collins provides some interesting insight into the innovative projects Jenoptik has recently delivered in the UK.

For reference, Jenoptik are foundation members of ITS UK and Geoff is the Chair of the Enforcement Forum.

You can read the full article via the following link: ITS UK Review – Jenoptik article

06/06/22 - Police and enforcement operators get extra security reassurance thanks to Jenoptik UK’s ISO 27001 certification

Hands on a laptop
ANPR, automated enforcement and data management specialists Jenoptik have proved their information security management credentials to customers by receiving new, high-level international standards certification.

The company, which has delivered thousands of Average Speed, Spot Speed and Police ANPR cameras throughout the UK, has been awarded ISO/IEC 27001:2013, complementing their existing ISO9001 and ISO14001 accreditations.

This certification specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system. It also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment of information security risks.

To achieve this certification, Jenoptik has proved its information security management system preserves the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information by applying a risk management process. As a result, customers can be confident that security risks are correctly managed under a recognised framework and can use this international standard when assessing their ability to meet their own information security requirements, while using Jenoptik’s solutions.

“ISO 27001 is invaluable for the monitoring, review, maintenance and improvement of a company’s information security management system, so gaining certification is important when you are dealing with something as delicate as the data from networks of ANPR cameras,” commented Jenoptik Deputy Managing Director Geoff Collins. “This will unquestionably give our partner organisations and customers even greater confidence in the way they interact with us, and further enhances the growing reputation of Jenoptik as ANPR data industry leaders.”

Jenoptik’s Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras and back office software are used globally, managing security, speeds and a host of further applications. The data from these networks allows Police and Highway Authorities to analyse, understand and better manage their roads; making them safer and more secure for everyone.

06/06/22 - Lenton, Nottingham SPECS

SPECS in Lenton, Nottingham

Nottingham’s average speed-monitored roads tops the ton

Motorists are now being kept safe on more than 100km of roads across Nottinghamshire thanks to the latest installation of average speed camera technology in the county.

Jenoptik’s SPECS solution installed in the Nottingham City suburb of Lenton, is the 14th such scheme in the city and the 31st across the whole of the county.

Nottingham City was the first authority in the UK to install and operate SPECS cameras in 1999, as part of a technology pilot that proved collisions could be controlled along a length of road, not just at a ‘hot spot’.

Average speed cameras monitor the number plates of vehicles as they pass fixed points on the network, then calculate the travel time taken compared with how long it should take if the vehicle was driving at the speed limit. Vehicles taking less time can therefore be proven to be going too fast.

In the scheme on Derby Road, infra-red illuminators have been co-located on the camera column, reducing street clutter and also negating the need for dazzling bright lights to be used in this residential area.

Nottingham City Council operated the UK’s very first SPECS system over twenty years ago, and of the 32 average speed routes in the county of Nottinghamshire, half of them are in the City of Nottingham,” commented Scott Talbot-Hartshorn, Service Manager of the city’s Road Safety and Highway Development Management. “Based on this experience, I’m confident that this new installation on the A6200 Derby Rd, Lenton will continue the history of improving flows and safety along the route”.

Jenoptik UK Deputy Managing Director Geoff Collins added, “The Road Safety team in Nottingham has always been a pioneer in delivering technological solutions to support safer driving, so now we’ve added up the total carriageway length in the county supported by our SPECS average speed solutions, it’s topped the ton in terms of kilometres monitored. Because they are seen to be fair and have a noticeable effect on driver behaviour, these schemes are overwhelmingly popular with people – in the City Council’s consultation into putting in average speed cameras, four-fifths of responses supported the scheme. We are proud to be part of a suite of effective measures used to keep drivers and pedestrians safe.”

The SPECS solution has been successfully operated on any roads from 20mph residential streets to motorways. There are more than 200 schemes in operation across the UK, covering well over 1,000km of highway.

06/06/22 - OTCF Framework Award

SPECS at night
Jenoptik’s new National Highways framework deal will make roads safer, sooner

Automated enforcement specialists Jenoptik says its appointment to National Highways’ Operational Technology Commercial Framework will speed up work to make the England’s strategic road network safer.

The company, known for its automatic number plate recognition enforcement cameras, will be part of the English motorway and trunk road operator’s main procurement route for operational roadside technology, supporting the delivery of RIS2, the Road Investment Strategy from 2020 to 2025.

Jenoptik has been appointed to Lots 1, 4 and 5 covering detector systems, operational systems and operational technology consultancy support.

This means it will be quicker and simpler to procure solutions such as future generations of the variable speed limit HADECS enforcement technology, and wider average speed schemes to support speed and flow management as well as emissions control. Thanks to being on the framework, Jenoptik will also have the opportunity to deliver spot speed and red light solutions more quickly.

“I commend National Highways for improving the procurement process to make implementation of new technology quicker and simpler,” commented Jenoptik Deputy Managing Director Geoff Collins. “Independent research proves that our SPECS average speed schemes halve the number of Fatal and Serious Collisions on UK roads, so anything that makes implementation of new schemes faster is good news for motorists.”

Jenoptik’s ANPR solutions are also used to regulate speeds in order to reduce emissions in highly polluted areas and manage traffic during extreme weather events. As well as the average speed enforcement it is most known for, the company delivers spot speed, red light and advanced ANPR based ITS schemes.

Jenoptik’s appointment to National Highways’ Operational Technology Commercial Framework is for an initial two years, with the potential to be extended for a further two years.

06/06/22 - Transport Scotland VECTOR SR

Jenoptik features in ITS UK Review
New cameras “powerful addition” to road safety toolkit

Eight new fixed spot speed cameras being installed in Scotland will boost road safety and reduce deaths, according to the man leading the technology installation.

Geoff Collins, who is Deputy Managing Director of enforcement camera maker Jenoptik, is hailing the value of the VECTOR SR spot speed cameras, calling them “a powerful addition to the road safety toolkit.”

“With no in-road loops or distracting flashes, they are an effective way to enhance safety at a number of locations across west and central Scotland,” Mr Collins explained. “We are delighted to be working with Transport Scotland and supporting the delivery of Scotland’s road safety vision.”

Scotland’s Road Safety Framework sets out a vision to have the best road safety performance in the world by 2030, and the country’s Transport Minister Jenny Gilruth describes the cameras as playing “an important role in delivering this vision, encouraging and ensuring road users travel at safer speeds and within the limits.”

The VECTOR SR is an approved fully self-contained traffic enforcement system used to capture spot speed or red light and speed on green offences. It uses radar for spot speed enforcement, or to identify when a vehicle crosses the white line at a traffic signal, with the VECTOR ANPR used to identify the vehicle involved. Because of its lightweight design it not only delivers safety through conspicuous enforcement, but can also be installed on passively safe columns, fitted to existing street furniture or infrastructure such as gantries.

Transport Scotland is installing the cameras to improve road safety at the sites after data on injury collisions and speeding across the country was analysed. The new fixed cameras are able to enforce 24 hours a day, with the capability to monitor vehicles travelling in both directions.

06/06/22 - Cornwall Spot Speed

Spot speed enforcement in Cornwall
Jenoptik’s new spot speed technology catches nearly 700 dangerous drivers in a week

A new spot speed camera installed which can monitor both directions of traffic at once has caught 681 speeding motorists in its first full week of operation on the A394 in Cornwall.

The VECTOR SR installation, funded by the Vision Zero South West road safety partnership, went live on the 30 mph road at Longdowns near Falmouth on Tuesday, 8 February.

Among them five have been referred to court, and 72 have been given points on their licence. Others were offered a speed awareness course.

The camera is the very latest advance in spot speed enforcement, because it doesn’t requires ’tiger teeth’ road markings and is non-invasive, meaning there is no need for in-road sensors, which significantly simplifies maintenance activities. Unlike older technologies, the system uses non-visible Infra-Red lighting, resulting in no distracting flashes of dazzling light, which is also a benefit for nearby residents.

“Jenoptik is known across the industry for delivering more than 200 accurate, reliable average speed enforcement schemes,” explained Deputy Managing Director Geoff Collins. “Our spot speed solution is ideal for improving road safety at known speeding hotspots, and I am pleased to see it having an immediate effect.

“However, I’m also disappointed that so many people have been detected speeding past the camera because that means drivers haven’t adjusted their behaviour appropriately. Hopefully as people realise it’s not worth breaking the limit, the numbers will come down and the road will be much safer for everyone.”

Cllr Philip Desmonde, Cornwall Council’s portfolio holder for transport, commented that he was shocked by how many were caught in such a short space of time. “This should provide a stark warning to road users,” he said. “Speed limits are in place for a good reason, sadly too many people are injured on Cornwall’s roads. Everyone can make a positive impact by driving within the speed limit, and these cameras are a valuable tool in educating drivers to slow down.”

Supt Adrian Leisk, strategic lead for roads policing and chairman of the Vision Zero South West road safety partnership’s enforcement subgroup, added, “I hope this goes some way to reassuring people across Devon and Cornwall that our speed cameras are fully operational and we are taking action against drivers who break the law.”

The next site due to be upgraded with Jenoptik’s VECTOR SR solution is the camera at Tregolls Road, Truro, which is likely to be operational during April 2022, and will capture both red light offences as well as speeding drivers.

13/05/22 - Project EDWARD visit to the EVO Triangle

Logo of project EDWARD
As part of ProjectEDWARD 2021, the team visited North Wales with our Deputy Managing Director Geoff Collins CEng, GoSafe Partnership Manager Teresa Ciano and Chief Inspector Jon Aspinall of North Wales Police, to examine the new SPECS average speed system installed in the area known as the EVO Triangle.

The triangle, made up of stretches of the A5, A543 and B4501 in Conwy and Denbighshire, is popular among car enthusiasts because of its stunning scenery and race track-style bends and undulations, but the route has suffered four deaths since 2012, with residents also concerned that the roads felt unsafe. Therefore, local Police and the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership, GoSafe, commissioned Jenoptik to install average speed cameras to address these problems, covering nearly 40km of the iconic route.

For further insights on the project you can watch the full interview on YouTube.

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